“Material World II: FashioNation!”
Hotel Indigo Friday, April 8th, 2011 7:30 pm
These works in white will be featured in the event, and are on display inside the cube gallery @ The Hotel Indigo thru July as part of the group show
Here is a quick bio: Gretchen Elsner EGRETION
Textile artist, clothing designer and soft electronics engineer has been living and working for many years in British Columbia, making clothing from exclusively recycled fabrics and working to engineer sustainable power alternatives, physiologically sensitive clothing, and teaching. She returned to America two years ago to build a home made solar powered travel trailer, and to participate in the movement to end the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and also to encourage a global phase out of nuclear power and weapons.
Textile artist, clothing designer and soft electronics engineer has been living and working for many years in British Columbia, making clothing from exclusively recycled fabrics and working to engineer sustainable power alternatives, physiologically sensitive clothing, and teaching. She returned to America two years ago to build a home made solar powered travel trailer, and to participate in the movement to end the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and also to encourage a global phase out of nuclear power and weapons.
"You are a MONSTER that wants to devour ALL ONE"
These embroidered curtains are currently under construction. A few LEDs embroidered in and the solar cells snapped on and they will collect sunlight from one side and light up on the other. They are 36" x 72", eight total curtains
$500.00 each or $3000.00 for the set
Made with silk and metallic silk organza, conductive thread, LED's and text embroidered with polyester thread. 2007-present
curated by Aurélie Frolet & Hope Hilton
opening reception:
Friday, April 8, 2011
mercury art works at hotel indigo
500 college avenue, athens, GA
706.338.0548 gallery hours: 24/7
Oculart White Animated Fashion (see www.oculart.com and www.egretion.com) Collaboration with Geoff Lillimon, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Made from a recycled nylon sail and thread bits stitched and held together with wat...er soluble stabilizer, 2011
Model: Kayla Cox
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