Friday, July 27, 2018

"Light and Smoke" & Instagram

Good morning!

Currently involved in a very personal creative process: regrowing my right leg. While resting and recuperating with my friend and potter, Giana Eden, and I have been typing the choose-your-own-adventure novel I dashed out as a first draft before the operation. It is titled "Light and Smoke".

So far I have about 60k words and 100 pages typed. It will be a pop-up book, and I have a few notes of how they will be in the journals. I am using Googe Docs to type in, and if you want to be a reader for me, and give me feedback on the work when I'm done please let me know and I will share the files with you. Hopefully in the next week.... I can walk around the house, to do chores and literally around the house, but having a project to work on has been very helpful for my morale while letting my leg heal.

 Four journals total
 pop-up note of a ship from my son and a goldfish bowl from my friend.

Here is the link to the Instagram account I started to help sell clothes and handmade books: @egretionstudio

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